Special last minute announcement
Extraordinary price money for a factor 40 race !
Venue is the CTF Finance Center in Guangzhou, as of now the world’s 7th highest building.
The race will see competitors running up at least 1 906 stairs over 65 floors and an altitude of 305 m. This was the race distance covered at the inaugural event last year. As facilities on the upper levels are now finished there is the plan to have the race ending on the very top (111 floors), but confirmation is missing so far
The organizers offer an outstanding prize money for top 3 male and female athletes:
1st place – 800 Euro 2nd place – 600 Euro 3rd place – 400 Euro
The TWA is pleased to announce travel packages for 4 top ranked athletes comprising 300 Euro travel reimbursement and accommodation. Organizers reserve the right for final decision !
Interested athletes please apply as soon as possible on the website (preferred) or by emailing president@towerrunning.com and sport@towerrunning.com.