1 Piret Pöldsaar (EST) 5:55,0
2 Linnea Harala (FIN) 5:56,1
3 Kamila Chomanicova (SVK) 6:00,3
1 Rimo Timm (EST) 4:43,9
2 Rauno Tiits (EST) 4:56,5
3 Lauri Ulm (EST) 5:00,4
Piret Pöldsaar and Rimo Timm are the winners of the first after-corona-break real race in a tower. By conquering Tallinn TV Tower faster than the others both home athletes crowned themselves Estonian Champions too. Despite all the travel restrictions a few international athletes made it to Tallinn to this traditional member race of our Towerrunning Tour as well as the WFGT Towerrunning Challenge
Thanks to Towerrunning Estonia for making this real race possible – stay tuned for an upcoming race report !
Pictures: https://www.facebook.com/pg/trepijooks/photos/?tab=album&album_id=3189449574482400&ref=page_internal
TV Report about the Firefighters: