Die Herausforderung
Happy Harold 100
Virtual Burj Khalifa Climb
Hopefully real races with international participants will be possible in a few month. In May competition still is virtual.
“Die Herausforderung” organized by Towerrunning Germany is running the whole month. There are 3 different challenges (Sprint – 10 minutes – 30 minutes). Your personal results as well as pictures can be uploaded (and compared
) on the event website.

“Happy Harold 100” starting on May 5 is an event to walk/run/ride 100 kilometers within 20 days. In the stair division organized by Stair Climbing Australia 58.000 stairs have to be climbed.
May 22 offers the option to virtually climb the World’s highest building. Race ambassadors are Dubai living Irish elite runner Greta Beckett, Female Ranking No.1 Suzy Walsham, Male Ranking No. 2 Wai Ching Soh and Towerrunning Mexico President Roberto Velazquez.